Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone Everyday – 014

Being in your comfort zone implies familiarity, safety and security.  It keeps us comfortable and calm and reduces  anxiety and stress.

Getting out of your comfort zone is imperative when its time to transition, grow and evolve.

Experiencing a little stress is okay occasionally.  If you don’t step out, your’ll miss out of a lot of experiences, challenges and risks.

You will miss out on the things that will transform you and help you grow.  These are the things that define you and give you personal meaning.

What we fear is generally failure and getting hurt.  We have the ability to rise to the occasion, overcome hurdles and have success!

Challenges yourself pushes you to dip into and utilize your store of untapped resources.  You find out exactly what you’re made of.

Small changes accumulate and each one builds upon the last one.

Get out of your comfort zone daily.  Eat a new food, choose a new activity, or do a new workout or push yourself differently in a workout.


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